JHS Pedals Controversy – EXPLAINED!

Here is our formal response to speculations and claims that JHS Pedals has close ties to political and religious institutions. We invite you to read the comments we have made here, but we also encourage you to read our sub-Reddit thread where we discuss our positions and queries on numerous claims and rumours involving JHS Pedals in a conversational manner.

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We would like to take a minute to clarify JHS Pedals, our character, and our principles in light of recent concerns and false accusations that have been circulated online.

The firm JHS Pedals is neither political nor religious. No political or religious groups are supported, funded, or affiliated with JHS Pedals. We don’t operate in such fields, and we don’t collaborate with any organisations that do. We vehemently disagree with any allegations to the contrary. While we have many future plans for innovative guitar pedals, none of them includes politics or religion.

About 40 people work for our guitar pedal firm, and we represent a variety of political, religious, and ideological viewpoints. With numerous artists, dealers, and clients throughout the world, many of whom have different and unique personal opinions on politics, religion, gender, and sexuality, we have developed a number of cherished and trusted connections.

JHS Pedals Controversy - EXPLAINED!

Regardless of a person’s beliefs, colour, creed, or sexual orientation, we treat them all with honour, dignity, and respect.

All people’s rights are something we appreciate and respect. Any assertions to the contrary are explicitly rejected, and we declare that they are totally unfounded and without merit. It would be unfair to our dedicated staff, as well as to the artists, dealers, and consumers who all have different points of view if our business adopted a position on political or religious issues.

Josh Scott is the only independent owner and manager of JHS Pedals, an LLC. No political or religious group has ever given us money or support for our operations. Josh Scott and the dedicated JHS Pedals staff have always been the company’s owners and operators throughout its almost 15-year history.

We have amazing workers, dealers, artists, and clients from all over the world. We absolutely adore what we do, and in 2022, we will be starting our 15th year in the business. We will keep working hard to provide top-notch guitar pedals and offer the best possible customer service, all the while accepting and treating everyone we come into contact with respectfully.


I have never concealed the fact that, between 2010 and 2013, I was a musician volunteer at ihopkc and occasionally visited the church. I personally do not support or provide money to any organisations that harass or discriminate against anybody, including the LGBTQIA+ population, and I have never done either. No matter a person’s beliefs, colour, creed, or sexual orientation, my firm, JHS Pedals, and I personally treat everyone with honour, decency, and respect.

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I denounce any repressive and discriminatory viewpoints. I’m here to talk with our supporters, clients, artists, and critics about JHS Pedals, not the ihopkc or its 2,000+ leaders, employees, or members. For the past nine years or more, I have not directly been associated with ihopkc. I support and respect everyone’s rights, both personally and professionally, and I have no affiliation with any group that behaves otherwise.